Published studies show approximately 75%  coating failures are due to insufficient surface preparation.

Ensuring long-term adhesion requires a suitable “bond profile” for which our Tuff Industrial coatings will properly adhere.

Attempting to acid-etch your concrete is very labor intensive, it is usually a 5-6 step process. The risks of not only changing the Ph of the surface (compromising a strong bond), if there is any curing agents previously applied, the muriatic acid will not ever come in contact with the actual concrete. These commonly used curing agents are typically silicone based and will resist water, not allowing the water/acid concentrate to even work.  These curing agents are bond-breakers and cause premature coating failures.

The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) has released a definition of various surface prep profiles.  This range is from 1 (smoothest) to CSP 10 which is very aggressive. (See attached).  ICRI does not recognize acid etching as a suitable prep method as well.

The process of acid etching concrete can also do damage to the concrete, as this method is extremely inconsistent and hard to control.

Lastly, the process of acid etching includes the introduction of water in varying steps.  Water and high-performance industrial products like Tuff’s, must be applied to a dry and properly prepared surface.  Acid etching is also not good for human health.  The inhaling of fumes can cause breathing problems, and having muriatic acid come in contact with skin will cause chemical burns.  Rinsing the residue of the acid and etched concrete paste into the drains poses ecological risks and federal agencies are cracking down on all emissions from plants and factories.

What now?  Most major equipment rental companies are now offering mechanical diamond grinders and necessary tooling.  These companies usually deliver, demonstrate safe usage, and pick up their equipment upon project completion.  These machines will allow you to properly prep your concrete, cover large areas quickly, and use NO WATER.

Learn more about Tuff Industrial Concrete Repair Products

For additional information please call 1-800-475-0068, or our website at